Audiocenter’s Avanda launches in the Philippines

PHILIPPINES: Among the dynamic cityscape of Metro Manila, a launch event for Audiocenter’s Avanda took place recently at the Quirino Grandstand. The Grandstand featured technological and auditory, aimed at a diverse audience of tech enthusiasts, industry leaders and media luminaries. Kolin Tanlin Philippines, the official distributor of the Audiocenter brand in the Philippines, is said to have been a visionary behind the event’s success, curating an experience that aimed to capture attendees’ interests and promote Audiocenter’s sound technology.

The event included performances from two DJs and eight varied bands, utilising 16 units per side total of 32 cabinets for each model, featuring both the Avanda 210A and 212A models plus 24 units of K-LA218 DSP subwoofers arranged in a precise Straight ARC Gradient Formation. Roshan Malim, the product application engineer from Audiocenter, oversaw all aspects of the system engineering.

With a focus on collaborative design and user experience through insightful panel discussions between the representatives of Kolin Tanlin Philippines and Audiocenter. This experience wasn’t only a platform for product introduction, but also as a means to network and build partnerships. Audiocenter chief R&D director, Joan La Roda, also the designer of Avanda, flew all the way to Philippines in order to provide insight to the attendees and contribute to the success of the event.

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