Case Study

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National 4A tourist attraction opts for Audiocenter Artist system solution

Artist high-end commercial audio system solutions project references. Yaxi Ancient Village Project in Quannan County,Jiangxi Thousand-year old village of Yaxi, a national 4A tourist attraction, 22 kilometers in total.The entire venue uses Artist commercial audio system solutions with highly integrated system design and customized real-life audio system design.

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Audiocenter System @ Thai- Singapore International School, Bangkok

Audiocenter system is installed at Thai- Singapore International School, Bangkok recently.  Right at the front, above the stage, was the main FOH speaker system. This is an Audiocenter horizontal line array system, consisting of 12 units of Audiocenter VHLA12-MKII line array modules, 4 per side, arrayed to cover the length of the hall consistently and 2 per…

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